Friday, July 11, 2008

Another 8 Miler . . . then rest!

Phew. I'm exhausted. Yesterday I got in another good 8 mile run, but that took my three day running total to 17 miles. I don't think I've EVER run 17 miles in three days in my life before. I actually felt pretty good about my run on Thursday. I was a little sore in the hips (this of course makes me nervous) and the middle miles got tough, but after 45 minutes I ate a GU (tm) and picked it up a bit. I started of a bit fast this time around than I did for the first 8 miler . . . this could certainly have contributed to the fatigue I was feeling mid run yesterday.

As it turns out, however, I ran the same 8 mile route 2 minutes faster than I did last week. This corresponds to a 15 sec/mile drop in my pace! Not too shabby. I'm not sure why, but I always prefer to run out and take the subway back on these longer runs . . . for some reason that's a bit easier for me psychologically. In the end, it was a good run though . . . I'm pleased.

Today is a day off and tomorrow is an easy run of 3-4 miles before I run a 10K race on Sunday. I'm going to really relax today and not push myself too much today or tomorrow.

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