Saturday, January 5, 2008

Happy New Year

I ran today, I've been getting a few runs in again which is really nice. Today's run felt particularly good. I'm in really bad shape right now and I only ran for twenty minutes or so, but nevertheless, it felt great to just get out a do a little something active! I had been pretty stressed about going back to work over break. But my first three days back at work were super productive and I feel like I got a lot of good work done. Nevertheless, I've been pretty stressed lately and I've been getting bad tightness in my neck and back. Today's run helped get much of that stress out. I think I'll go again tomorrow!

Not much else to report on the running front, or on any other front. We've been mostly hanging out and relaxing today which is nice b/c work will be busy this month.

That's it for now.