Saturday, April 12, 2008

Happy Birthday to ME!

Hi! Today's my birthday and I'm having a good day! I started off with a very short two mile run up to the farmer's market today. My goal was to run it in under 16 minutes (aka under 8 min/mile) which I was able to do. Then we did a little shopping at the farmer's market in preparation for our huge party today!!! I hope we have enough food.
Not much else to say.
I haven't been running too much . . . which stresses me out a bit, but I'll get back into it soon! Laura and Avi got me a great book for my birthday called "The Competitive Runner's Handbook" which is all about training for races from 5K up to Marathon distance . . . so I'm getting excited reading the book, but I'm also realizing that I'm way behind in my training! I need to step it up seriously. I think that just means running mornings until tennis season is over!
That's all for now.

1 comment:

laura said...

Hey Tom! It's Laura Farrell. I found your blog through Facebook, and I think it's AWESOME that you're running a marathon! I'm currently training for a measly 5K in June (after getting a wicked stress fracture in my shin last year), but even that small distance is kicking my ass. I will keep your year's goal in mind when I'm tempted to slack on my running.