Friday, December 21, 2007

Brief Hiatus - Back in Action

Well . . . It's been a LONG time since I've written in the blog . . . almost a month. I've been super busy at work lately and so haven't been running in a long time. But today I was writing in my food journal (where I record everything that I eat) and I realized that I'm coming up on day 50 of my YEAR! I haven't run in a month which means that I'm severely behind schedule.

In looking that the NYRR calendar, I see that the first half marathon of the Grand Prix is in January, on the 27th. This means that I need to get into serious shape, seriously fast! I had made it a goal to run the NYC Half-Marathon Grand Prix this year and I'm not sure I'm ready to give that goal up yet. The problem is, now I only have a little over a month to train for a 13.1 mile race. I'm not sure that I'm up for it, but I can sure try. The other problem is that January is going to be my busiest month of work yet . . . It's going to be very hard to keep up a regular running schedule in January, but I think that that will be the time that I need the running the most, when work is hard and stressful.

In any case, I have a nice vacation right now until January second during which I can really get some good running in and I hope that by the time I go back to work, I'll be back into decent shape and can start getting some longer runs into my routine . . . we'll see.

Happy Holidays everyone!!!

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