I haven't posted in a while. I guess that's b/c I haven't had much to say. My blog has been pretty dull lately (I knew this already, but it's been confirmed by a number of independent sources recently), but I'm not sure exactly what would make it more interesting other than beginning to include some topics that are only tangentially related to running (if at all).
Lately the thing that I've been thinking the most about it when is best for me to run. During the summer, I've run mostly whenever I've felt like it, but now that school is starting again, I have been limited to either first thing in the morning or in the afternoon when I get home from work. Each has its own benefits, and I'm having a hard time deciding which would be best.
Running in the morning means that it's cooler out and it means that I'm done with my run for the day early on, leaving me more flexible for the rest of the day. I also find that I think more quickly and clearly during the day when I run in the morning. At the same time, it also means waking up early, running alone (most days), and not having ample time to cool off post run.
Running in the afternoon means that I get to sleep in later, but it's also hotter (though this becomes less of an issue later into the fall). I'm bound by my running schedule if I leave it to later in the day, but then I also get to sleep an hour later (or more). I also find that I enjoy running in NY when there are people out and about, it's much more interesting. Often times, however, I find that running in the afternoon has led to cramps. Anyone with input on what they think is best, I'd appreciate your thoughts.
Speaking of cramps . . . Today was a prime example of why running in the afternoon is tough. I came home from work today, walked into the kitchen, and was instantly reminded of the fact that we had baked chocolate chip cookies last night. This, of course, meant that I ate 4 or 5 of them right away, as I have absolutely no will power (more about my abysmal eating habits later). Then I waited about 20 minutes and went for a run. I don't recommend running with a belly full of cookies. Perhaps the next equation I'll tattoo on myself will be "Run+cookies=sick."
In any case, the cookie problem is just one of a series of eating mistakes that I've been making lately. Since I've been upping my weekly mileage and running more, I've been much hungrier than usual. This has then led me to believe that I can eat pretty much whatever I want and eat it in absurdly huge quantities (hence 5 cookies before dinner . . . sorry mom!) In any case, despite the fact that I
am running more, and even though I
am getting a bit faster each week (I hope) I think my progress would be much better if I ate better food. That's the goal from now on. Eat as much as I want, but not junk food. One cookie is fine, 5 is not. If I'm still hungry I'll eat 5 apples . . . or something like that . . . you get the picture. I would still like to lose 7-10 pounds before the marathon . . . oy.
One last thought for the day. One thing that I really like about my job (there are many) is that so many of my friends and colleagues at work are also runners, this means that I have the opportunity to talk about running at work and the people I talk to are all very good runners! It's like having a coach and a running buddy all in one! Bonus.