I had my running class on Tuesday which was awesome, but I didn't end up running on Wednesday b/c I was tired, but also b/c I had an evening engagement. Then Thursday, I got a few miles in, but I was still fairly sore from my class on Tuesday. Friday night was Prom (see left) and so I didn't run then either.
On Saturday I was volunteering (volunteering at one race is a new added requirement for guaranteeing entry into the following year's NYC marathon . . . I'm already planning on running in 2009) at the NYRR Mini 10k. This is a huge women's only race that attracts big name runners from around the world and has a fairly long history here in NYC. The top three U.S. female marathoners ran in the race and it was very cool to watch them race. While watching these amazingly fast women race was cool, the weather certainly was not! I couldn't believe how hot it was on Saturday. I had planned to run down to the park for the volunteering (to get a good long run in) but b/c Friday night was prom, I was tired and I had to carry stuff for a picnic I was going to later. Saturday morning was cool and clear, but by the time the race had begun, it was HOT and HUMID. This was the first really oppressive day that the city had seen yet these season, and I don't think even the winner of the race was setting any records.
I was stationed at about mile 6 of the 10k course and about 35 minutes into the race a women collapsed near me. It was a very scary experience and I'm glad that I have at least the most basic first aid training b/c I was able to help a bit. That said, I still felt woefully unprepared for this circumstance . . . ahhh. Then a few minutes later, another woman collapsed right at the same spot. I think that the combined facts that we were at the end of the race, that it was the first really hot and muggy day of the year, and that we were positioned at the end of a hot sunny hill all joined forces to make our location the one with all of the excitement.
After the race I met some friends for a picnic in the park and we ended up playing whiffle ball and eating good food, and relaxing in the sun. But after sitting all day in the heat, playing games, etc., I wasn't really ready for a run on Saturday so I skipped it.
Today I ran a good 6 miles to the park and then took the train back up home. I ran early in the day, which I'm really glad about, and then had the whole day to spend with Sara on her BIRTHDAY! My six miles today brings me to 17 miles for the week which is fewer than the 20 miles/week that I ought to be running at this point but I began to realize that this is OK. Two weeks ago I ran 17 in an attempt to run 20 but I hurt my hip and didn't run on Sunday that week. Then last week I only ran 11 b/c I was hurt. I don't think it would make sense to then jump right back up to twenty. I think running 17 this week is probably fine, then I have three more weeks at 20 miles each to be ready to start increasing mileage in preparation for the marathon itself. The only thing I might have done differently would be to take more shorter runs rather than running only three times but for more mileage . . . but oh well. At least I got the miles in. Hopefully next week I'll be able to get my 20!
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