I love Nantucket. I had an absolute blast at Jenna & Jonathan's wedding.
This will be quick b/c I am tired and I'm leaving for Colorado Springs tomorrow, but I ran over 11 miles this weekend in Nantucket. I had two very good runs, 7 mi and 4.5 miles, and I felt pretty good!
This week I'll be in Colorado springs for a conference, so I might not be able to post for a while, but I'll be running a bunch there too of course!!
So long for now . . .
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Running Class Conundrum
Last night I had my third running class and I felt as though I really ran well, but nevertheless, today's class led to a bit of confusion.
The run we were supposed to do was a tempo run. A tempo run is a workout where you run about 25 seconds slower than your 5K pace. We did a four mile tempo run. I have been working under the assumption that my 5k pace is about 7:40 (reasonable given my 7:42 pace on the 5 mile run on Sunday). Therefore I imagined that I'd run the four miles at about a 8:05 to 8:10 pace.
I started out the run at a good pace and I felt good. But then I finished the first mile in 7:19! That was too fast for the tempo run. I tried to slow down and really get a good sense of what my pace should be. The coach told us that we were running too slow if we could carry on a conversation, but that we were running too fast if we couldn't get a couple of words out either. I was able to say a few words to the person running next to me, and so determined that I was fine. I felt I could run faster, but at the same time this wasn't a simple, laid back run. I ended up running the four mile loop (the same loop that we run in the park for races) at an average pace of 7:35!! This is much faster than I've ever raced that distance and really confused me. Does this mean I should be running my races at a faster pace? Maybe I could have run 7:30s in the father's day race had it not been so freakin' humid!!
My next two races are in July and I have a few speed workouts between now and then, not to mention a week of running at high altitude in Colorado Springs (I'm going to a conference). I'm hoping that when I come back and get ready for those races, I'll be in really good shape. The first of those races is a 10k and I won't be that fast for 6.2 miles, but the next race is a 4 miler and I expect that I could run that in under a 7:30 pace. That's my goal. The only slight problem is that I'm supposed to be running long runs on those days (check out my calendar below!) so if I run down to the park and then race, I'll be slower . . . but I can always tack on another few miles after the race . . . we'll see.
This morning I took a great early run along the river, getting 4.5 miles in before work. It is a cool, crisp, clear day. I was actually excited to get out of bed at 6 am and go running . . . I imagine that this is a good sign for my training.
The run we were supposed to do was a tempo run. A tempo run is a workout where you run about 25 seconds slower than your 5K pace. We did a four mile tempo run. I have been working under the assumption that my 5k pace is about 7:40 (reasonable given my 7:42 pace on the 5 mile run on Sunday). Therefore I imagined that I'd run the four miles at about a 8:05 to 8:10 pace.
I started out the run at a good pace and I felt good. But then I finished the first mile in 7:19! That was too fast for the tempo run. I tried to slow down and really get a good sense of what my pace should be. The coach told us that we were running too slow if we could carry on a conversation, but that we were running too fast if we couldn't get a couple of words out either. I was able to say a few words to the person running next to me, and so determined that I was fine. I felt I could run faster, but at the same time this wasn't a simple, laid back run. I ended up running the four mile loop (the same loop that we run in the park for races) at an average pace of 7:35!! This is much faster than I've ever raced that distance and really confused me. Does this mean I should be running my races at a faster pace? Maybe I could have run 7:30s in the father's day race had it not been so freakin' humid!!
My next two races are in July and I have a few speed workouts between now and then, not to mention a week of running at high altitude in Colorado Springs (I'm going to a conference). I'm hoping that when I come back and get ready for those races, I'll be in really good shape. The first of those races is a 10k and I won't be that fast for 6.2 miles, but the next race is a 4 miler and I expect that I could run that in under a 7:30 pace. That's my goal. The only slight problem is that I'm supposed to be running long runs on those days (check out my calendar below!) so if I run down to the park and then race, I'll be slower . . . but I can always tack on another few miles after the race . . . we'll see.
This morning I took a great early run along the river, getting 4.5 miles in before work. It is a cool, crisp, clear day. I was actually excited to get out of bed at 6 am and go running . . . I imagine that this is a good sign for my training.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Happy Father's Day
Today was the Father's Day, Fight against Prostate Cancer, 5 mile race. I felt like I ran pretty well, though I think I could be doing better. I'm started to get a little frustrated with myself and how I can't seem to get my pace to drop much at all. It is silly to think that after just two speed classes, I'd be significantly faster, but I was hoping for a lot today nevertheless.
A bit of the way into the first mile, I began thinking to myself . . . 'Hey, you're running pretty well here . . . Maybe you could do this race in 7:30s' Needless to say, I did not run the race in 7:30s . . . BUT I did set a PR for the 5 mile distance of 38:32 (or 7:42s). I felt pretty good about my time after all.
I also ran MUCH more consistently this time than I ever have in the past. I ran the first and last miles at about 7:35 and the middle three a little slower, but all at the same pace. I was feeling good.
Today's race takes me to 4 for the year . . . leaving only 5 to do to get my nine in this year! Yay.
A bit of the way into the first mile, I began thinking to myself . . . 'Hey, you're running pretty well here . . . Maybe you could do this race in 7:30s' Needless to say, I did not run the race in 7:30s . . . BUT I did set a PR for the 5 mile distance of 38:32 (or 7:42s). I felt pretty good about my time after all.
I also ran MUCH more consistently this time than I ever have in the past. I ran the first and last miles at about 7:35 and the middle three a little slower, but all at the same pace. I was feeling good.
Today's race takes me to 4 for the year . . . leaving only 5 to do to get my nine in this year! Yay.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
High on Running
I just returned home from my second running class and it was great!! I don't know if it's because I'm a little high on endorphins now or what, but I feel great. Today we probably ran about 5 miles, or maybe 6 miles, but it's always hard to gauge how far we've gone. More importantly is the fact that we ran hard. We ran 6 x 600 yd intervals at a pretty fast pace. I was psyched that I got faster for each of my first three times and then was able to hold my pace for each of the last three times. I ran 2:02, 1:59, 1:54, 1:54, 1:54, 1:55. I was proud of myself that I was able to keep pace for each of them and I even felt like I could run another one when I was done. I also love the way we have nice, long, slow warm up and cool down runs before and after each run.
Today I was a little worried about class b/c of my experience over the weekend with the collapsing lady(see previous post) and b/c it has been so hot and humid lately. But today I made sure that I stayed hydrated and didn't eat food that I knew would stick with me too long. I also had a Gu prior to running and then had a Cliff bar right after. I felt pretty good. In fact, I would consider doing this class again soon, but doing twice a week b/c I think I could get even more out of it.
I'm really getting into this whole running thing lately. I know that this is silly to be realizing now, but I have been running more lately than I ever have in my life and as Sara has pointed out, I now have a serious hobby that I'll probably have for life. I just picked up a copy of Runner's World magazine the other day and now I'm getting even more excited for the marathon to come. But in addition to that, I'm also getting excited about getting into running more seriously and decreasing my race times over the next couple of years.
This weekend, on Sunday, I'll be running a five mile race in the park. I'm hoping that my two speed classes will have a positive effect on my time and that I could maybe set a five mile PR. I haven't run that many five mile races, so it shouldn't be too hard to do. This will be my fourth race of 2008 which, having already completed my volunteering requirement, will bring the number of remaining races to still needed to complete to 5. I signed up for two in July, I will run the Poland Spring Marathon kick off, the marathon itself (duh), and that will leave just one more race to run in order to guarantee my entry into the 2009 Marathon . . . YES.
In terms of my overall training, I need to really run full weeks for the next three weeks. I need to run at least 5 days per week and run at least 20 miles per week. This will mean that I'll be really ready for my first week of official training in July when I begin ramping up with 22 miles per week that week. I'm pumped.
Today I was a little worried about class b/c of my experience over the weekend with the collapsing lady(see previous post) and b/c it has been so hot and humid lately. But today I made sure that I stayed hydrated and didn't eat food that I knew would stick with me too long. I also had a Gu prior to running and then had a Cliff bar right after. I felt pretty good. In fact, I would consider doing this class again soon, but doing twice a week b/c I think I could get even more out of it.
I'm really getting into this whole running thing lately. I know that this is silly to be realizing now, but I have been running more lately than I ever have in my life and as Sara has pointed out, I now have a serious hobby that I'll probably have for life. I just picked up a copy of Runner's World magazine the other day and now I'm getting even more excited for the marathon to come. But in addition to that, I'm also getting excited about getting into running more seriously and decreasing my race times over the next couple of years.
This weekend, on Sunday, I'll be running a five mile race in the park. I'm hoping that my two speed classes will have a positive effect on my time and that I could maybe set a five mile PR. I haven't run that many five mile races, so it shouldn't be too hard to do. This will be my fourth race of 2008 which, having already completed my volunteering requirement, will bring the number of remaining races to still needed to complete to 5. I signed up for two in July, I will run the Poland Spring Marathon kick off, the marathon itself (duh), and that will leave just one more race to run in order to guarantee my entry into the 2009 Marathon . . . YES.
In terms of my overall training, I need to really run full weeks for the next three weeks. I need to run at least 5 days per week and run at least 20 miles per week. This will mean that I'll be really ready for my first week of official training in July when I begin ramping up with 22 miles per week that week. I'm pumped.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Some thoughts on the last few days . . .
I had my running class on Tuesday which was awesome, but I didn't end up running on Wednesday b/c I was tired, but also b/c I had an evening engagement. Then Thursday, I got a few miles in, but I was still fairly sore from my class on Tuesday. Friday night was Prom (see left) and so I didn't run then either.
On Saturday I was volunteering (volunteering at one race is a new added requirement for guaranteeing entry into the following year's NYC marathon . . . I'm already planning on running in 2009) at the NYRR Mini 10k. This is a huge women's only race that attracts big name runners from around the world and has a fairly long history here in NYC. The top three U.S. female marathoners ran in the race and it was very cool to watch them race. While watching these amazingly fast women race was cool, the weather certainly was not! I couldn't believe how hot it was on Saturday. I had planned to run down to the park for the volunteering (to get a good long run in) but b/c Friday night was prom, I was tired and I had to carry stuff for a picnic I was going to later. Saturday morning was cool and clear, but by the time the race had begun, it was HOT and HUMID. This was the first really oppressive day that the city had seen yet these season, and I don't think even the winner of the race was setting any records.
I was stationed at about mile 6 of the 10k course and about 35 minutes into the race a women collapsed near me. It was a very scary experience and I'm glad that I have at least the most basic first aid training b/c I was able to help a bit. That said, I still felt woefully unprepared for this circumstance . . . ahhh. Then a few minutes later, another woman collapsed right at the same spot. I think that the combined facts that we were at the end of the race, that it was the first really hot and muggy day of the year, and that we were positioned at the end of a hot sunny hill all joined forces to make our location the one with all of the excitement.
After the race I met some friends for a picnic in the park and we ended up playing whiffle ball and eating good food, and relaxing in the sun. But after sitting all day in the heat, playing games, etc., I wasn't really ready for a run on Saturday so I skipped it.
Today I ran a good 6 miles to the park and then took the train back up home. I ran early in the day, which I'm really glad about, and then had the whole day to spend with Sara on her BIRTHDAY! My six miles today brings me to 17 miles for the week which is fewer than the 20 miles/week that I ought to be running at this point but I began to realize that this is OK. Two weeks ago I ran 17 in an attempt to run 20 but I hurt my hip and didn't run on Sunday that week. Then last week I only ran 11 b/c I was hurt. I don't think it would make sense to then jump right back up to twenty. I think running 17 this week is probably fine, then I have three more weeks at 20 miles each to be ready to start increasing mileage in preparation for the marathon itself. The only thing I might have done differently would be to take more shorter runs rather than running only three times but for more mileage . . . but oh well. At least I got the miles in. Hopefully next week I'll be able to get my 20!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Running Class

I ended up running a little over 7 miles (good for a Tuesday), and it was on average, a good pace. We did the hills three times and on each pass, my pace dropped. I ran too quickly to start . . . but I really enjoyed it.
I'm really looking forward to continuing with the class b/c I think it will have a measurable affect on my times in the shorter races. I'm not running another race until June 15th so I have one more running class before that, and I'm hoping to get closer t0 7:35 min/mile, or at least a personal best . . .
Monday, June 2, 2008
Japan Day
Yesterday I ran a race called Japan Day. It was really nice b/c it was a very small race with very few participants (~2500 people) which meant that I was able to start close to the front and get into my pace fairly quickly. I ended up running a pretty decent race (30:48) and coming about 8 or 9 seconds shy of my personal best. I ran the first mile very quickly at 7:33, but then I slowed significantly running mile 2 at 7:47, and 3 at 7:56, but then finished well on mile four at 7:31. Overall I had an average pace/mile of 7:42.
The four mile race took me to about 10 miles for the week (I only ran half of the week) and I didn't have any hip pain at all. This could be a result of the fact that I took some time off earlier this week, but is most likely due to the prescription anti-inflammatory that I've been taking. In either case, I'm glad to be running again and hopefully my next race will be a little faster still.
The four mile race took me to about 10 miles for the week (I only ran half of the week) and I didn't have any hip pain at all. This could be a result of the fact that I took some time off earlier this week, but is most likely due to the prescription anti-inflammatory that I've been taking. In either case, I'm glad to be running again and hopefully my next race will be a little faster still.
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