Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Today is day 5 in my YEAR OF THE MARATHON and I ran again today, but I felt like crap! I felt really terrible. Maybe it's because I am still fighting off a little bug or maybe it's because my stomach hasn't been feeling great today, but in either case I went out for a run this evening and it didn't go well. I'm a little frustrated.

I also really don't like running at night in the winter. It's not so much that it's cold out, the problem is more that it's cold AND dark and there's something about running in these conditions that just doesn't sit well with me. I think I just need to get used to it though b/c winter is just beginning now and I have a lot of running to do between now and when the days are nice and long again. I really need some warm, reflective clothing though . . . I might just have to bite the bullet and get one of those neon orange running vests that people wear so that I can wear my running fleece (which is, of course, black) under it.

There's also the treadmill option and that I could do at work . . . and I'm sure that I will at some point in the winter, but I really don't like running on treadmills. After a short time, I find that my knees and shins hurt after running on a treadmill, not to mention how boring it can get. But, hey, who ever said the YEAR OF THE MARATHON would be easy, right?

In order to remain more positive, I think that it important to remember that it is good that I even got myself out there tonight at all. Two weeks ago, I wouldn't have even considered going for a run at 5:30 when it was cold and dark out, but tonight, after much deliberation, I went. Also, I suppose that a short run is better than no run at all. I need to keep things in perspective.

I think that I'll try to run tomorrow (Thursday) but I most likely won't Friday. I do think I'll get good runs in on both weekend days. I think that four or five days during my first week of the YEAR OF THE MARATHON isn't too bad, even if my run on one of those days was really short! I must also remember not too get too impatient with myself. If I try to increase my weekly mileage too much, I'll hurt myself. I think that I'll use this week as a baseline and increase my mileage by 10-15% each week after that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey TET - Sorry about the frustration factor. I think, even though I am not a runner, that I can understand your not getting psyched to run when it is cold and dark. I HATE winter for that very reason - it's hard to do anything when it is dark so early. I pick up your brothers and just want to go home and crash. Am sure it will get better. YAY for you for even getting out there.