Well . . . another year is coming to a close. 2007 is running out of hours quickly and here I sit, writing a short little blog entry about the year. 2008 is sure to be a great year and I'm looking forward to it!
I ran a bit today, nothing much, but it felt good to get outside. It really feels as though the last few days have been counterproductive on the losing weight, running front BUT on the other hand, they have been great on the relaxing, doing very little productive front. I need the relaxation. The next two months at work will be very busy and I'm sure that I will be grateful for this relaxation come February 15th.
In any case, I'm about to enter the year in which I'll run the marathon and I'm looking forward to it! In a way, my YEAR OF THE MARATHON is really being beginning now!
Have a safe and happy new year!!
Monday, December 31, 2007
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Another holiday day and another run. I ran another 25 minutes today and though I've been eating alot of food and drinking lots of good wine, I'm glad that I'm getting some runs in. Not much to report, but I need to keep checking in.
Hopefully I'll keep getting good runs in.
Hopefully I'll keep getting good runs in.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Christmas Eve - FINALLY!!
Well, I'm on vacation! Finally! and I ran today . . . FINALLY!!! My last run prior to my run today was on Thanksgiving . . . pathetic. But today I ran for 25 minutes and got almost 3 miles in. Not too bad. It was cold! I'm in Atlanta and I thought that I didn't need to bring cold weather running gear like my hat or gloves or pants. So despite the fact that I just got some very nice, reflective cold weather running pants for Christmas (thanks mom!) I didn't bring them b/c I thought Atlanta would be warm! Well . . . this morning at 8am when I went running it was quite chilly. I was ok in shorts and my fleece jacket, but it was colder than I had imagined it would be . . . oh well.
On another note, vacation has come and I didn't even know that today was a Monday. I know that I've really let go and allowed myself to relax when I can forget what day of the week it is! I'm going to really enjoy spending time with family and enjoying the holidays before I go back to work and have a very busy January.
Today is Christmas Eve, so Merry Christmas everyone! and Happy running!
On another note, vacation has come and I didn't even know that today was a Monday. I know that I've really let go and allowed myself to relax when I can forget what day of the week it is! I'm going to really enjoy spending time with family and enjoying the holidays before I go back to work and have a very busy January.
Today is Christmas Eve, so Merry Christmas everyone! and Happy running!
Friday, December 21, 2007
Brief Hiatus - Back in Action
Well . . . It's been a LONG time since I've written in the blog . . . almost a month. I've been super busy at work lately and so haven't been running in a long time. But today I was writing in my food journal (where I record everything that I eat) and I realized that I'm coming up on day 50 of my YEAR! I haven't run in a month which means that I'm severely behind schedule.
In looking that the NYRR calendar, I see that the first half marathon of the Grand Prix is in January, on the 27th. This means that I need to get into serious shape, seriously fast! I had made it a goal to run the NYC Half-Marathon Grand Prix this year and I'm not sure I'm ready to give that goal up yet. The problem is, now I only have a little over a month to train for a 13.1 mile race. I'm not sure that I'm up for it, but I can sure try. The other problem is that January is going to be my busiest month of work yet . . . It's going to be very hard to keep up a regular running schedule in January, but I think that that will be the time that I need the running the most, when work is hard and stressful.
In any case, I have a nice vacation right now until January second during which I can really get some good running in and I hope that by the time I go back to work, I'll be back into decent shape and can start getting some longer runs into my routine . . . we'll see.
Happy Holidays everyone!!!
In looking that the NYRR calendar, I see that the first half marathon of the Grand Prix is in January, on the 27th. This means that I need to get into serious shape, seriously fast! I had made it a goal to run the NYC Half-Marathon Grand Prix this year and I'm not sure I'm ready to give that goal up yet. The problem is, now I only have a little over a month to train for a 13.1 mile race. I'm not sure that I'm up for it, but I can sure try. The other problem is that January is going to be my busiest month of work yet . . . It's going to be very hard to keep up a regular running schedule in January, but I think that that will be the time that I need the running the most, when work is hard and stressful.
In any case, I have a nice vacation right now until January second during which I can really get some good running in and I hope that by the time I go back to work, I'll be back into decent shape and can start getting some longer runs into my routine . . . we'll see.
Happy Holidays everyone!!!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Well, I have returned home from Thanksgiving and I'm already running (no pun intended) into some challenges with my YEAR OF THE MARATHON. For one thing, I didn't run at all after the race on Thursday morning which means Friday, Saturday, and Sunday all passed with no running! I also ate like a pig all weekend. I will say, however, that I was able to record everything I ate for the whole weekend and if anyone has any questions, please feel free to let me know! The other goal I had was to get to a store to by some bright colored winter running gear, which also didn't happen. ARGH.
I'm finding that now that my nine races are done and now that work is going to be getting busier and now that winter is upon us, I am nervous that I'll struggle to find running time and I won't be getting good miles in! I looked at last year's calendar for NYRR and the first of the half marathons is early in the year (January or February, if I remember) which means I need to spend December really getting into shape!
Goal: Run often!
I'm finding that now that my nine races are done and now that work is going to be getting busier and now that winter is upon us, I am nervous that I'll struggle to find running time and I won't be getting good miles in! I looked at last year's calendar for NYRR and the first of the half marathons is early in the year (January or February, if I remember) which means I need to spend December really getting into shape!
Goal: Run often!
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Drumstick Dash!

Happy Thanksgiving!! Well, I've started my Thanksgiving break off right, running a 4.5 mile race this morning in Indianapolis. The Drumstick Dash was a great little race in the Broad Ripple section of Indianapolis and it was a fun time.
It is strange running in a part of the country that isn't Central Park (is there any other part of the country? What lies West of the Hudson river?). Before the race today, there was a communal prayer! This would never happen at an NYRR race. Also, because this was Thanksgiving, people were all dressed up in costumes . . . including some people in "Indian" costumes! Ahh Indiana, the land of group prayer and racist costumes! I'm not really being fair, but it was just surprising b/c I would never see this stuff in Central Park.
I ran the race today in 35:41 which is just under an 8 min/mile pace, so it was fine. My left quad was hurting some yesterday on the flight out here and I was worried about it today. It slowed me down a bit on the 2nd and 3rd miles, but it wasn't too bad. The other thing that slowed me down was the fact that I ran the first mile in 7:15. There was no way I could keep that pace up and for miles 2 and 3 I slowed down a lot.
The other great thing about the race was that I got the BEST race T-Shirt from this race I have ever gotten! It is a long sleeve Brooks performance tee, all black with a funny Drumstick Dash graphic on the front. I'm pretty psyched about this shirt.
Overall it felt great to run this morning. It meant that I could not gorge myself or drink too much last night b/c I had to run today and it means that I can eat as much as I want today! I'm a little worried about my food journal today though. So far, I've been really good about keeping track of all my intake, but today with all of the snacking and eating, drinking, and making merry, I might have to gloss over some of the details . . . we'll see. Today will be a real test.
In any case, I hope to run tomorrow and Saturday as well to get some good miles in on vacation! Happy Thanksgiving!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Nine Races down! Next stop, Marathonville!!!

I ran pretty well today, but my legs were a little sore. Like yesterday, my breathing was totally fine and my lungs felt great the whole race, but my legs were the limiting factor. Nevertheless, I ran a good 7:59 pace which was within the bounds of my goal (breaking 8) for a total time of 31:56. Not too shabby. Not fantastic, but I'm happy with it. I also found that I ran a more consistent race than I normally do. Often I'll run the first mile in 7:30, the second in 7:45, the third in 8:23, and the fourth in 7:45. In other words, I'm all over the place. But this time, I kept my pace more consistent. I think it was 1 - 8:00, 2 - 7:57, 3 - 8:10, 4 - 7:49. Or something like that. In any case, I was pleased with it.
I think that I'll take off until I get to Indy for Thanksgiving, but I should get some decent mileage in over vacation.
I'm in!!
Sore Legs = Good Run ???
Well, my legs were still a bit sore from my soccer game on Wednesday. Yes - I know that's pathetic, but I'm really not used to sprinting like I did in the game. In any case, I have a race tomorrow in the park so I really wanted to go for a run today and I just felt like I'd take a medium length run and take my time . . . not rush. I ended up running for 40 minutes at like a 8:30-8:45 pace which isn't too bad. What's more important is that I felt really good on the run. My breathing was completely easy and even though my quads were a little sore, my legs felt strong and comfortable.
Today is a beautiful day too! I love clear, crisp fall days. The temperature in the Bronx right now is about 42 degrees and for the first time this season I had my cold weather gear on. I wore my running hat and gloves and my pants and my fleece. I actually kind of like running on cold days as long as it's not below 40 or anything.
My race tomorrow is my ninth of the year, which means assuming I cross the finish line I will have guaranteed my entry into the 2008 NYC Marathon. My time for the race doesn't matter, but as I've said earlier, I want to break an 8 minute/mile pace. This is standard for me, but my last race was 8:11 which is too slow.
I haven't been running much lately b/c I am having trouble finding the time. I have time after work most days at about 5 pm, but I really don't like running at that time of day during the late fall/ winter. One goal for myself right now is to find a way to get more miles in each week during the darker months. That will be a challenge. It's important that I get going on that though b/c I want to be ready to run the first of the NYC Half-Marathon Grand Prix races next year which I think is in March. I should be able to run a bunch next week though b/c of Thanksgiving. I'm going to Indianapolis for Thanksgiving and I'd like to get a run in each day of the break. Even if I only jog two miles on Friday (which is likely owing to probable over-eating on Thursday), I'd like to get something in each day.
Wish me luck on my race tomorrow!!
Today is a beautiful day too! I love clear, crisp fall days. The temperature in the Bronx right now is about 42 degrees and for the first time this season I had my cold weather gear on. I wore my running hat and gloves and my pants and my fleece. I actually kind of like running on cold days as long as it's not below 40 or anything.
My race tomorrow is my ninth of the year, which means assuming I cross the finish line I will have guaranteed my entry into the 2008 NYC Marathon. My time for the race doesn't matter, but as I've said earlier, I want to break an 8 minute/mile pace. This is standard for me, but my last race was 8:11 which is too slow.
I haven't been running much lately b/c I am having trouble finding the time. I have time after work most days at about 5 pm, but I really don't like running at that time of day during the late fall/ winter. One goal for myself right now is to find a way to get more miles in each week during the darker months. That will be a challenge. It's important that I get going on that though b/c I want to be ready to run the first of the NYC Half-Marathon Grand Prix races next year which I think is in March. I should be able to run a bunch next week though b/c of Thanksgiving. I'm going to Indianapolis for Thanksgiving and I'd like to get a run in each day of the break. Even if I only jog two miles on Friday (which is likely owing to probable over-eating on Thursday), I'd like to get something in each day.
Wish me luck on my race tomorrow!!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Soccer . . . I really suck

Today was a good day. One of those days at work that is super busy, but very productive! I felt good about it. I also got to exercise a bit today, playing soccer for about an hour at work today. The seniors and juniors of the boys and girls varsity soccer teams challenged the faculty.
Let's just say that I am no David Beckham! I really am quite bad at soccer. I started out at goal and let in 3 or 4 in rapid succession. Then I moved to defense and really stunk it up there too. Towards the end, I was able to get a little more done and move the ball productively, but I was terrible, no TERRIBLE, at the start. It didn't help that my students were all on the sidelines jeering at me and wishing for my failure (or injury!)
In any case, I'm really glad that I got some outside time in. It's really important to get more exercise b/c I always sleep better when I'm exercising and I feel more calm during the day. Though it wasn't the type of running I normally do, I did run quite a bit. I just hope that I'm not super sore tomorrow. I'm not used to lots of short sprints and more than that the rapid changes in direction and lateral movement take their toll on me as well. I'll have to check in again tomorrow to see if I can move (or even type . . . )
I'm still gearing up for my race on Sunday . . . number NINE on the year and my then guaranteed entry into the 2008 NYC Marathon. That will really seal the deal for me in a lot of ways, I'm pumped!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Well, I haven't run since Saturday which sucks. I've been super busy at work the last couple of days, not to mention the fact that we're in the process of beginning to buy an apartment (scary!). In any case I wanted to just a write a bit b/c I haven't written anything since Saturday which (as mentioned above) sucks.
In any case, I hope to play a little soccer tomorrow afternoon and maybe get some exercise in that way . . . I need to run at some point before Sunday b/c I have a race on Sunday and I want to run well.
That's it for now, sorry there's not much to report, but I'll write again soon.
In any case, I hope to play a little soccer tomorrow afternoon and maybe get some exercise in that way . . . I need to run at some point before Sunday b/c I have a race on Sunday and I want to run well.
That's it for now, sorry there's not much to report, but I'll write again soon.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Good Weekend Run
Well, I haven't run since my crappy run on Wednesday, so today Saturday was a chance to redeem myself. I ran for 30 minutes and I felt pretty good. I got about 3.5 miles in which is about a 8:30 pace. Again, not ideal, but not terrible. I am finding loops that I'm pretty happy with lately in Riverdale. It's hard to find good 4-5 mile loops in my neighborhood that don't go down a huge hill in the first half of the run, and then require going up a huge hill at the end. Riverdale sits on top of a huge hill and all the good runs basically run around the base of the hill . . . But I think I'm finding some pretty good 4ish mile runs on top of the hill, limiting my climbing.
BUT in 4 months or so I will no longer need to worry about this. Soon I will not be living in Riverdale (I hope . . . ) but instead will be very close to one of the nicest (and flattest) trails in New York. That's right! Sara and I are moving (we hope . . .) Things are still in the works, but we have an accepted offer on an apartment in Washington Heights so we might be joining the land-owning class soon! Technically speaking, we won't own any actual land, but rather shares in a Coop, but it's close enough. What this means for my running, however, is that after about two and a half years of getting bored with Riverdale runs and loops, I will now have all of Manhattan at my fingertips (or tippy toes) to explore on foot. I'm really looking forward to running along the water in Riverside park, running across the GWB, running more in the park. It'll be great!!
Also, just an update. One week from tomorrow is my ninth NYRR race of the year which will mean that I will have officially guaranteed my entry into the 2008 NYC Marathon. It is another short 4 mile race and I am hoping to run it in less than 32 minutes (under a 8 min/mile pace). This should be pretty easy and I've beaten this goal for 7 of my 8 previous races this year. But this is the first race of mine during the YEAR OF THE MARATHON so I want to make sure that I run well!
Finally, people have doubted my ability to keep up my journal of intake and exercise all year. Well I'm a week in now and I have not missed a bite of food or a sip of liquid. To all you doubters out there, just know that I'm devoted to this and I will not give up willy nilly!
BUT in 4 months or so I will no longer need to worry about this. Soon I will not be living in Riverdale (I hope . . . ) but instead will be very close to one of the nicest (and flattest) trails in New York. That's right! Sara and I are moving (we hope . . .) Things are still in the works, but we have an accepted offer on an apartment in Washington Heights so we might be joining the land-owning class soon! Technically speaking, we won't own any actual land, but rather shares in a Coop, but it's close enough. What this means for my running, however, is that after about two and a half years of getting bored with Riverdale runs and loops, I will now have all of Manhattan at my fingertips (or tippy toes) to explore on foot. I'm really looking forward to running along the water in Riverside park, running across the GWB, running more in the park. It'll be great!!
Also, just an update. One week from tomorrow is my ninth NYRR race of the year which will mean that I will have officially guaranteed my entry into the 2008 NYC Marathon. It is another short 4 mile race and I am hoping to run it in less than 32 minutes (under a 8 min/mile pace). This should be pretty easy and I've beaten this goal for 7 of my 8 previous races this year. But this is the first race of mine during the YEAR OF THE MARATHON so I want to make sure that I run well!
Finally, people have doubted my ability to keep up my journal of intake and exercise all year. Well I'm a week in now and I have not missed a bite of food or a sip of liquid. To all you doubters out there, just know that I'm devoted to this and I will not give up willy nilly!
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Today is day 5 in my YEAR OF THE MARATHON and I ran again today, but I felt like crap! I felt really terrible. Maybe it's because I am still fighting off a little bug or maybe it's because my stomach hasn't been feeling great today, but in either case I went out for a run this evening and it didn't go well. I'm a little frustrated.
I also really don't like running at night in the winter. It's not so much that it's cold out, the problem is more that it's cold AND dark and there's something about running in these conditions that just doesn't sit well with me. I think I just need to get used to it though b/c winter is just beginning now and I have a lot of running to do between now and when the days are nice and long again. I really need some warm, reflective clothing though . . . I might just have to bite the bullet and get one of those neon orange running vests that people wear so that I can wear my running fleece (which is, of course, black) under it.
There's also the treadmill option and that I could do at work . . . and I'm sure that I will at some point in the winter, but I really don't like running on treadmills. After a short time, I find that my knees and shins hurt after running on a treadmill, not to mention how boring it can get. But, hey, who ever said the YEAR OF THE MARATHON would be easy, right?
In order to remain more positive, I think that it important to remember that it is good that I even got myself out there tonight at all. Two weeks ago, I wouldn't have even considered going for a run at 5:30 when it was cold and dark out, but tonight, after much deliberation, I went. Also, I suppose that a short run is better than no run at all. I need to keep things in perspective.
I think that I'll try to run tomorrow (Thursday) but I most likely won't Friday. I do think I'll get good runs in on both weekend days. I think that four or five days during my first week of the YEAR OF THE MARATHON isn't too bad, even if my run on one of those days was really short! I must also remember not too get too impatient with myself. If I try to increase my weekly mileage too much, I'll hurt myself. I think that I'll use this week as a baseline and increase my mileage by 10-15% each week after that.
I also really don't like running at night in the winter. It's not so much that it's cold out, the problem is more that it's cold AND dark and there's something about running in these conditions that just doesn't sit well with me. I think I just need to get used to it though b/c winter is just beginning now and I have a lot of running to do between now and when the days are nice and long again. I really need some warm, reflective clothing though . . . I might just have to bite the bullet and get one of those neon orange running vests that people wear so that I can wear my running fleece (which is, of course, black) under it.
There's also the treadmill option and that I could do at work . . . and I'm sure that I will at some point in the winter, but I really don't like running on treadmills. After a short time, I find that my knees and shins hurt after running on a treadmill, not to mention how boring it can get. But, hey, who ever said the YEAR OF THE MARATHON would be easy, right?
In order to remain more positive, I think that it important to remember that it is good that I even got myself out there tonight at all. Two weeks ago, I wouldn't have even considered going for a run at 5:30 when it was cold and dark out, but tonight, after much deliberation, I went. Also, I suppose that a short run is better than no run at all. I need to keep things in perspective.
I think that I'll try to run tomorrow (Thursday) but I most likely won't Friday. I do think I'll get good runs in on both weekend days. I think that four or five days during my first week of the YEAR OF THE MARATHON isn't too bad, even if my run on one of those days was really short! I must also remember not too get too impatient with myself. If I try to increase my weekly mileage too much, I'll hurt myself. I think that I'll use this week as a baseline and increase my mileage by 10-15% each week after that.
Monday, November 5, 2007
New No Longer

Well my new shoes have finally been used! I went for a short little run today and it felt great. New shoes are always nice and my first run in a new pair of shoes always feels pretty good. That, coupled with the fact that I spent a long day doing CPR training at work today (from 9am - 4:15pm . . . so long . . . so boring!), made for a much needed bit of outside time. One odd thing was that I was running at dusk which I haven't really done all that much in the past. Since daylight savings time ended, however, it gets dark SUPER early which means that I'm either getting up early to run in the dark or running in the dark after work . . . either way it will dark. I really need to get some light colored running wear. Most of what I have to run in is all black . . . that's no good for night running!
I ran a little over 3 miles tonight at about an 8:30 pace which is alright . . . not great, but decent, especially considering that I haven't run in a week. I check my distance using mapmyrun.com which is not completely accurate, but is acceptably accurate. It's a decent website to check out if you run. I ran my 5 mile race a week ago at an 8:11 pace which is better. Ideally I am going to running short runs like this closer to a 7:00 or 7:30 pace, but it is still early in the YEAR OF THE MARATHON and I still have time to get a solid base down.
Marathon mania was still going strong today as well. Many of my friends and colleagues ran in the race yesterday and everyone at work was talking about the race, various people's times, etc. If I wasn't already super pumped about this year and the race that I'm preparing for, I am now! In addition, there was a section of the paper today that listed all of the people and their times if they finished under five hours. Next year that will be me and that will most likely be the only time that my name ever appears in the New York Times. In any case, all of the chat about the race was really exciting and to quote a friend of mine at work, "I have definitely have marathon-envy."
Sunday, November 4, 2007
The Official Start *Redux*

Well today was the second official start to my YEAR OF THE MARATHON. Today was the 37th running of the New York City marathon, so even though there are now fewer than 365 days until I run the New York City Marathon, today felt like a second official beginning.
I didn't get to run today and my new shoes still lay unworn in my closet. I did, however, help my fried Alec move. Moving a friend into a third story walk up is exercise enough for me for today. On the subway home from helping him, I saw lots of runners getting home, having completed today's race and I really got excited for this time next year (and hopefully every year from now on) when I will have just completed the marathon.
I also bought my YEAR OF THE MARATHON journal today. It is a red composition style notebook (as pictured above). I will use this book to record all sorts of information pertinent to my year. I will record everything that I eat and drink all year long. I will also take note of all exercise, all BMs (strange as this may sound . . . read on for further explanation), all intake (both solid and liquid), and all sorts of other things. I hope to use this to eat better and to become healthier this year. For instance, I don't drink enough water and I drink too much coffee . . . I hope to switch that. Which reminds me of a question. Does seltzer count as water? Is carbonated water (with no additives or sugar in it) as hydrating as still water? Does anyone know?
In addition, I realized that yesterday I missed two important goals in my YEAR OF THE MARATHON. I have listed them below:
Goal 6 - Run the NYC Half-Marathon Grand Prix. This is a series of five half marathons (one in each borough) run over the course of the year.
Goal 7 - Become more regular (see above). And by regular I don't mean normal, or less strange. You know what I mean.
Oh! One more thing. Today is also coincidentally another interesting day in "YEAR OF" land. Today is 11/4/07. One year from today is the 2008 Presidential election which will determine who succeeds George "Dubya" Bush as president. I hope it is Barack Obama . . . though any democrat will do!
Saturday, November 3, 2007
My Year of the Marathon
On Sunday, November 2nd, 2008 I will run in my first marathon, the ING New York City Marathon. I am one qualifying race away from guaranteeing my entry into the race and I have just purchased a new pair of shoes. My year of the marathon has begun!
I have a few goals for this year:
Goal 1 - Get my weight down to 178 lbs.
Goal 2 - Run more (ideally 5 days per week).
Goal 3 - Finish the 2008 NYC Marathon.
Goal 4 - Complete the 2008 Marathon in under 3 hrs and 45 minutes (about an 8.5 min/mile pace).
Goal 5 - Run at least 1 shorter race (5 miles or so) at a sub-7 minute-mile pace.
Who knows . . . maybe I'll have even more goals that come up later, but this is where I stand right now. I'm very excited!
I have a few goals for this year:
Goal 1 - Get my weight down to 178 lbs.
Goal 2 - Run more (ideally 5 days per week).
Goal 3 - Finish the 2008 NYC Marathon.
Goal 4 - Complete the 2008 Marathon in under 3 hrs and 45 minutes (about an 8.5 min/mile pace).
Goal 5 - Run at least 1 shorter race (5 miles or so) at a sub-7 minute-mile pace.
Who knows . . . maybe I'll have even more goals that come up later, but this is where I stand right now. I'm very excited!
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