What a week. On Sunday night I went out to dinner with Sara's family and when I woke up Monday, we were all sick. On Monday my temperature reached 102 degrees and I was stuck in the terrible purgatory between really hot and freezing cold. It was one of three things that made me sick on Monday:
(a) Sunday night's Indian food
(b) Hanging out with a sick 10 month old
(c) The onset of the Republican National Convention.
My money's on (c).
In any case I was feeling better Tuesday morning, so I decided that I'd go on the Senior Leadership Retreat as planned. We were to go white water rafting on the Delaware River about two hours north of NYC. It was a blast. I was able to float along down the river with some great kids from the class of 2009 and really enjoy myself.
While with the kids I was able to get a short 4 miler in, but I didn't feel great b/c it was the day after my temp was so high. I think that the physical illness was aggravated by my anxiousness about the fact that the Republicans were nominating a self-declared "pit-bull w/ lipstick" to be their Vice-Presidential nominee while I was out of touch with any mainstream media.
On Wednesday, I was able to get a quick 5 miler in after returning home, and today I ran a nice 6 at a decent pace. Even though I've been getting all of my miles in, lately I feel like I've just been floating along . . . I have been squeezing my runs in when I can instead of really taking time to stretch, warm up, and focus on good runs. I haven't been planning and I've been pacing myself indiscriminately. I'm worried that I'm slowing down a bit. I'm hoping I can focus a bit more on getting in some faster tempo runs and not worry about pace so much on the 6s and long runs.
Tomorrow is the first day of school.